Ceili means a traditional Celtic gathering with food, song, and dance.
For us, it's a worship gathering where we share song, story, and sacrament!

To lead all people in the way of Love by gathering, growing, and giving in the name of Christ.
Our vision is that the people of our surrounding neighborhoods find a place of belonging, peace, and joy as they come to know God in our community church. Most of our families are impacted by special needs and we envision a church and society where people of all abilities are included and welcomed.
Story. Song. Sacrament.
We gather regularly to share community with one another. We believe we often catch a glimpse of God in moments of relationship, meal, song, and story.
We also participate together in Communion, often called the Lord's Supper.
Everyone is welcome to our table! Most of our families have children with special needs and we are here for you!

Word. Wisdom. Witness.
Part of being a whole and healthy human being is growing along our journey. At Ceili Community we seek to learn wisdom in community, by studying ancient writings of early Christians, and by sharing our experiences of God with friends and strangers alike.
We do dance, song, story, and study together. Our youth has Bible study Wednesday nights; our kids lead us in worship on Palm Sundays and Christmas time! All kids programming is special needs inclusive.